Monday, December 1, 2008

Technology within Nursing...

The use of technology within nursing has benefited the profession in a number of ways. With the use of technology, nurses can monitor a patient's status with the patient staying home. This can be very useful for immobile or disabled patients, or for patients who do not live in close proximity to their health care centre. Technology has also improved nurse- client communication. With systems such as buzzers, light signals, and audio equipment, the nurse can tend to a client's needs in a timelier manner. Some hospitals are also equipped with pagers, script writer beepers, and touch screen apparatus that enable clients who have difficulty speaking with a means of being "heard".
Technology has also provided a way for nurses and colleagues to communicate. Previous pen and paper methods proved to be problematic at times. Organization, illegible writing, and use of abbreviations were a few issues that hindered nurses from performing their duties. The use of technology provided a mainstream language for medical recording and data input.
As some may fear technology may one day make nursing obsolete, they must realize that the care and relationships built between client and nurse can never be replaced by technology. So do not fear, fellow colleagues, there will always be a place for us.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That's so true Deborah there will aslways be a place for us as nurses in the health care proffession!